Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hello world!!!!

Hi Ginny I have my own blog . Good luck Poppy on your newjob. I love you Ginny and Poppy


Phrog said...

First Comment. Woohoo, I rock.
Cool, Nice work, the first one is always the hardest, I guess the next hardest is continuing, well since you`ve made the effort I guess I`d better update my Blog, Was great seeing you and all your family.

foxylady said...

Natty I am so excited to read your blog. You (and your mum) are amazing. WOW this is sooo cool and exciting. I will read your blog every day. I have something special to put on my blog for you. I will try and do it today. I love you and it was so good to see you. Although I feel sad too cause I was so busy I didn't spend enough time with you.